Sweet Orange Essential Oil
Elevate your mood and bring a burst of sunshine into your day with the sweet, citrusy aroma of Sweet Orange Essential Oil. Perfect for a cheerful, uplifting atmosphere.
You're going to love these easy ways to use essential oils in your home!
- Massage: Use 5 drops in 10ml's of carrier oil
- Bath: Use 5 - 10 drops in water
- Burners & Diffusers: Add 3 - 6 drops to water
- Humidifier: Add 3 - 6 drops to water. Add essential oils 2 - 3 times a day if running continuously.
- Inhalations: Add 3 - 4 drops to a bowl of steaming water. Place towel over your head, close your eyes and inhale the vapour for a few minutes.
Ingredients: 100% pure Sweet Orange Essential Oil
Please be aware: Essential oils are potent extracts from plants. They must always be diluted in a carrier, such as oil or water, before use. Do not ingest them without the advice of a professional.